ビッグデータ分析/可視化ソリューション事業を展開するアクロクエストテクノロジー株式会社(本社:神奈川県横浜市、代表取締役:新免流、以下「アクロクエスト」)は、Elastic社(本社:オランダ アムステルダム、代表取締役:Shay Banon) の Advanced Reseller Partner に認定されましたので、お知らせいたします。
「本日、アクロクエストテクノロジー株式会社と日本で初めてのAdvanced Resellerの契約締結をしました。アクロクエストテクノロジーは、先日Elasticの認定を得て、グローバルのパートナーコミュニティに参加しています。これから日本のElasticユーザは、検索のニーズに対して、エキスパートである彼らから多くの利益を享受できるでしょう」
URL: https://www.elastic.co/jp/
- Great Place to Work(R) Institute Japan実施
2015年、2016年、2018年 働きがいのある会社ランキング第1位 - 人を大切にする経営学会(代表:法政大学坂本光司教授)主催
第5回「日本でいちばん大切にしたい会社」大賞審査委員会特別賞 - 横浜市健康経営認証2017
【会社概要】 会社名:アクロクエストテクノロジー株式会社 代表者:代表取締役 新免流 所在地:〒222-0033 神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜3-17-2 友泉新横浜ビル 5階 [MAP] 事業内容:パッケージ開発・販売事業、コンサルティング事業、システム開発事業、ミャンマーマーケティングサービス、職場改善コンサルティング URL:https://www.acroquest.co.jp/ |
Acroquest Technology (Japan) has been certified as an Advanced Elastic Reseller Partner.
Acroquest Technology Co., Ltd. (Address: 3-17-2 5F Shin-yokohama Kouhoku-ku Yokohama-city, Kanagawa-ken Japan 2220033), producing Big data Analysis/Visualization solution, is certificated as Advanced Reseller Partner by Elasticsearch, B.V. (Rijnsburgstraat 9-11 1059 AT, Amsterdam The Netherlands)
Acroquest Technology has given various supports to many customers with wealth knowledge of Elasticsearch and Elastic Stack in Japan. Acroquest Technology will give the additional values for the businesses of customers using Elasticsearch and Elastic Stack related to big data analysis/visualization area not only in Japan but in other countries.
【About Elastic partner program】
The Elastic Partner Program enables companies to gain unique value from the widespread adoption of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash and its commercial features, security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, Graph, and machine learning. Elasticsearch subscriptions are sold through reseller partners.
【Endorsement of Elastic】
“Today we signed our first Advanced Reseller in Japan, Acroquest,” said Jun Fujita, Country Manager of Japan for Elastic. “Acroquest recently achieved Elastic certification and joined our global community of partners. Now our Japanese customers will benefit from local expertise which will serve their Search needs.”
URL: https://www.elastic.co
【About Acroquest Technology】
Acroquest Technology is a company working with a vision of “As a team of technologists, we give challenges to make a revolution in value-creating business”.
Our main products and services are:
– “Torrentio”, an IoT systems’ platform
– “ENdoSnipe”, an IT business solution giving a competitive advantage
In 2012, Acroquest Technology found a branch in Myanmar.
Through that branch, Acroquest is giving support to institutes and universities of Myanmar technology industry.
And Acroquest Technology has got rewarded, because its business philosophy, “seeking happy working-ways for employees”, and its wonderful results are highly evaluated.
Acroquest Technology won:
– 3 times’ No.1 of “Best work place”, Great Place to Work(R) Japan selected,
for 2015, 2016 and 2018.
– Committee’s special prize, in “Most valuable company Award” 5th,
The Japan Association of Principle of employee first management selected.
– Class AAA qualified, in the Yokohama health management certification,
local government of Yokohama selected.
Acroquest Technology become a host company of “Soshiki-Iki-Iki Jissen Benkyokai” or workshops for active and fresh office making.
Through the workshops, Acroquest Technology help other small and middle sized business.
Satoko Shiroi
Sales for Acroquest Technology Co., Ltd.
<本件に関するお問い合わせ> アクロクエストテクノロジー株式会社 広報担当/白井智子(しろいさとこ) TEL:045-476-3171 FAX:045-476-4171 E-MAIL(営業・広報 直通): acrosales@acroquest.co.jp |